Our Songs
Trimmed & Burning

You’ve Been That Friend To Me*
A. P. Carter © 1936 Peer Music BMI
West Virginia, My Home*
Hazel Dickens © 1975 HAPPY VALLEY MUSIC BMI
Banks of the Ohio
Traditional - a 19th century murder ballad, written by unknown authors; first recorded by Red Patterson’s Piedmont Log Rollers on August 12, 1927
Nail That Catfish to a Tree*
Steve Rosen © 1983
Christ Was Born in Bethlehem
Traditional – learned from the singing of Jean Ritchie and Tim O’Brien
Oil in My Vessel
Traditional – learned from Don Pedi who learned it from Joe Thompson, an “old-school” fiddler from the Piedmont of N.C.
Let the Lower Lights Be Burning
Traditional - Words & Music: Philip P. Bliss 1871 (originally published in The Charm: A Collection of Sunday School Music (Chicago, Illinois: Root & Cady, 1871)
This World is Not My Home*
Albert E. Brumley © 1936 Alfred Brumley & Sons SEASAC
On Jordan’s Stormy Banks
Traditional - Words: Samuel Stennett, in Selection of Hymns, by John Rippon, 1787
Music: Miss M. Durham, in The Southern Harmony and Musical Companion, by William Walker (New York: Hastings House, 1835) -
Pass Me Not Oh Gentle Savior
Traditional - Words: Fanny Crosby, 1868; first appeared in Songs of Devotion, by Howard Doane (New York: 1870)
Music: W. Howard Doane, 1870 -
We Believe in Happy Endings*
Shoes & Stockings/Ruffled Drawers/Jamie Allen
Traditional – great set of contra dance tunes
Precious Memories
Traditional – J.B.F. Wright 1925 – one of Carol’s favorites she used to sing with her Dad
We Shall all be Reunited
Traditional – by Alfred G. Karnes - Recorded in Bristol, TN July 28, 1927. Victor 40076
Deep Settled Peace
Traditional - Kate Peters Sturgill
Lower Lights (Reprise)
Vacant Chair

We’ll Work ‘Till Jesus Comes
E. Mills/W. Miller; Public Domain as far as we can tell.
...this is what we are all about.Norm first heard Doc Watson sing this many years ago.
Where Could I Go?
J.B. Coates, 1940 Stamps-Baxter Music
...life here is grand with friends we love so dear. -
Rosin the Beau
Publish first in 1838 as a drinking song: Public Domain
...the transformation of a tune from a drinking song (‘Old Rosin, the Beau’) to a temperance song (Cincinnati Temperance Union Song), then Lincoln’s campaign song (‘Lincoln & Liberty’) and later still a hymn. It has also been used commercially titled ‘Acres of Clams’ promoting a Seattle based restaurant. Some have re-titled it ‘Rosin the Bow’ referencing the rosin put on the fiddler’s bow to make make it play. -
Hard Times
Stephen Foster; Firth, Pond & Co., N.Y., 1854; Public Domain
... it is said that Foster always sang this song when ever he performed.
...a parlor song well-known and popular in its day, both in America and Europe, the song asks the fortunate to consider the plight of the less fortunate and ends with one of Foster’s favorite images: “a pale drooping maiden”. -
Down to the River
Traditional arrangement; Public Domain
...oh sinners, let’s go down to the river to pray.
There are so many versions of this song originally titled ‘Down to the Valley to Pray’ -
Silver Bells
Traditional Pocono Dance tune
...John learned this from Pocono Old-time fiddler Ronnie Nauman.American, Song Tune (cut time). D Major (‘A’ part) & G Major (‘B’ part). This tune, originally a 1910 Tin-Pan-Alley song with words by Edward Madden and music by Percy Wenrich (the latter born in Missouri but moved to New York City two years before the song was published, the beginning of an important career on Tin-Pan-Alley). “Silver Bell” was absorbed into old-time repertoire in the 1920’s and its popularity among fiddlers cemented a decade later by Texas bandleader Bob Wills. However, old-time versions were earlier recorded by Clayton McMichen (Ga.), Ernest Stoneman and Jess Young (Tenn.). The earliest recording of the song, however, was by Ada Jones and Billy Murray, for Edison in 1911 (Ed 10492). Stacy Phillips notes that the tune has been recorded in the keys of G, C and B Flat as well, and that sometimes there is no key change in the second part.
Roseville Fair
William R Staines, 1979 Mineral Spring Music
...Bill is one of our favorite contemporary song-writers and this one has an exceptional old-time feel to it. This is the way falling in love ought to be. -
John Ryan’s / Jenny Lind Polkas
Traditional: Public domain
...a couple of Polka’s in search of some dancing feet.
John Ryan’s: Irish, Polka. D Major. The Irish composed a lot of Polka’s.
Jenny Lind: American & Australian, Polka; English, Polka and Morris Dance Tune (2/2 or 4/4 time). USA; New York, Pennsylvania… D Major. A dance tune composed in 1846 as “Jenny Lind’s Lieblings-Polka,” attributed to the composer Anton Wallerstein, commemorating the “Swedish Nightingale,” Johanna Maria “Jenny” Lind (1820-1887), an operatic soprano. It was hugely popular and entered a number of English-speaking folk traditions, though in America the melody usually appears in two parts rather than the multiple parts that were originally printed. She toured Europe during 1844-48 to much popular acclaim, and took London, then Dublin by storm in 1847 and 1848. P.T. Barnum promoted an American tour of the by then world-famous singer in 1851-52, and she played a 150 concerts, at $1,000 a performance. She earned enough so that upon her return to Europe she retired from professional performing and became a philanthropist and singing teacher. She eventually settled in Malvern, Worcestershire, England, where she died and is buried. Lind’s fame coincided with the rise in popularity of the polka, although she and the form were not directly related except by this famous piece, dedicated to her. -
Vacant Chair
Henry S. Washburn, 1862; Public Domain
...for those we have loved and lost, and whose fond memories we cherish around a vacant chair.This song, which first appeared in the Worcester Spy around Thanksgiving 1861, was written to commemorate the death of Lt. John William Grout of the 15th Massachusetts Infantry, who was killed at the Battle of Ball’s Bluff. The song was as popular in the Confederacy as it was up North and spawned at least three Southern versions. Our version is set to the tune ‘Life is like a Mountain Railroad.’
My Own House / Shepherd’s Wife’s Waltz
My Own House: Public Domain; Scottish, English, Old‑Time; Slow Air or Waltz (3/4 or 6/8 time).
Shepherd’s Wife: Public Domain; English, Waltz; Scottish, Slow Air (6/8 time) or Jig.
Carol Discovered ‘My Own House” in a book while noodling on the harp at home. Bob & Norm have played Shepherd’s Wife for a long time… the 2 tunes just went together nicely. -
Long Journey
Doc & Rosa Lee Watson - 1969 Stormking Music
...thanks Doc, for the spiritual vision you have given to all of us.
Norm first heard this from the singing of Dry Branch Fire Squad. -
John Brown’s March
Traditional: Public domain: March (4/4 time). USA, southwestern Pa.
Named presumably after the abolitionist who stormed the United States Arsenal at Harper’s Ferry, Virginia, in 1859, and who was hanged for treason. There is some thought Brown’s ‘march’ was his march to the scaffold. Others believe it celebrates his march into Harper’s Ferry. -
Keep on the Sunny Side
attributed to A.P. Carter 1928 Peer Music
...let us trust in our Savior always.
Amanda really does this with power… -
Vacant Chair Reprise
Henry S. Washburn, Published 1862; Public Domain
...Carol sat down at the piano late one night and this is what came out of her fingers ...she calls it “noodling” but she is ministering/